研究生议论文写作范文/模板一、引出开头1:it is well-known to us that……(小编们都知道……)==as far as my knowledge is concerned,…(就小编所知…)2:recently the problem of……has been brought into focus. ==nowadays there is a growing con。
一、英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear fromyou again. Let me tell yousomething about the activity. I’m glad to havereceived your letter of Apr. 9th. I’m pleased to hearthat you’re coming to China for a visit. I’。
写作模板 提纲式作文 1. 对立观点式 A.有人认为X 是好事,赞成X, 为什么? B. 有人认为X 是坏事, 反对X,为什么? C.小编的看法。 Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out the fact that 支持X 的第一个原因。The。
一.用于作文开头的万能模板 1、Many people insist that。很多人(坚持)认为…… 这句话乍看没亮点,但将众人皆知的"think"换为"insist"有没有觉得高大上了许多? 2、With the development of science and technology, more and more people belie。
(2014年12月)最新英语六级作文必背万能模板汇总 英语六级作文万能模板:辩论式 辩论式议论文模版(一) Somepeoplebelieve(argue,recognize,think)that观点1.Butotherpeopletakeanoppositeside.Theyfirmlybelievethat观点2.Asforme,Iagreetothef。
一、英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming toChinafor a visit. 。
对比观点题型 (1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1. 有一些人认为。。。2. 另一些人认为。。。3. 小编的看法。。。 The topic of X---(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions abo。
一、英语书信的常见写作模板: 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a vis。