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生日蛋糕祝福语英语 生日蛋糕的英文怎么说

To My Dear Aunty,致小编亲爱的阿姨。 Happy Birthday to you! I Wish you have a happinese smile everyday! 生日快乐!祝您笑口常开! Good luck and happiness to you! 。下面就跟随小编一起了解一下“生日蛋糕祝福语英语 生日蛋糕的英文怎么说 ”吧。

birthday 生日 birthday cake生日蛋糕 present/gift生日礼物 birthday party 生日聚会 birthday candle, 生日蜡烛 birthday card,生日贺卡 good wishes 祝福;愿望 take photos 。

make a wish许愿light a candle点蜡烛blow off the candle出灭蜡烛sing happy birthday to为xx唱生日快乐歌celebrate the 12th birthday庆祝12岁生日 年龄可以根据自己的需要。

很高兴回答你的问题,以下是小编个人见解,希望可以帮到你:祝小编自己生日快乐英文:Happy birthday to me.望采纳,十分感谢。


Best wishes for the year to come!恭贺新禧!Good luck in the year ahead!祝吉星高照!May you come into a good fortune!恭喜发财!Live long and proper!多福多寿!。

my birthday is on the 8th of may.i am very happy, because my father buys a big cake 。 how nice it is today! 小编的生日是5月8日。小编很高兴,因为小编爸爸给小编买了大蛋糕。晚。

today is my birthday, when i go home after school, i find a big cake in front of me, then 。 今天是小编的生日,当小编放学回家后,小编发现一个大大的蛋糕在小编面前,然后小编的爸爸。

Birthdays are more of a family celebration in China; kids get to have noodles and 。 and even some party favors for each classmate.Some kids would have a birthday party at 。


Today is my birthday.今天是小编的生日。My parents bought me a big birthday cake.小编父母为小编买了一个大蛋糕。The cake is not only beautiful but also delicious.这个蛋糕不仅。

Happy Birthday to Me.Wish me a Happy birthday.
